Flat Gut After COVID


Flatten your stomach, drop the pandemic pounds and beat the lockdown blues!
64 year old former soldier, martial artist and certified fitness trainer reveals the physical routines and mental tricks that can keep you fit, healthy and sane while in isolation and lockdown conditions.

Learn how-to:

  • Reprogram your habits towards, health, fitness and productivity.
  • Overcome loneliness, depression and procrastination.
  • Improve your posture, strength and confidence in minutes a day.
  • Use micro10 minute workouts for during and after the pandemic.
  • Use belly-flattening, mood-boosting food and supplements that balance your hormonal system.
  • How to find cheap and even FREE libido boosting herbs.
  • Breath and stretch your way to a flatter stomach and kick-butt stamina.
  • Detoxify your body without therapy, fasting or deprivation.



Flatten your stomach, drop the pandemic pounds and beat the lockdown blues!
64-year-old former soldier, martial artist and certified fitness trainer reveals the physical routines and mental tricks that can keep you fit, healthy and sane while in isolation and lockdown conditions.

Learn how-to:

  • Reprogram your habits towards, health, fitness and productivity.
  • Overcome loneliness, depression and procrastination.
  • Improve your posture, strength and confidence in minutes a day.
  • Use micro10 minute workouts for during and after the pandemic.
  • Use belly-flattening, mood-boosting food and supplements that balance your hormonal system.
  • How to find cheap and even FREE libido boosting herbs.
  • Breath and stretch your way to a flatter stomach and kick-butt stamina.
  • Detoxify your body without therapy, fasting or deprivation.

According to the National Library of Medicine, the COVID-19 restrictions have had a negative effect on physical activity and mental well-being throughout North America and abroad. During this lockdown depression, overdoses and suicide rates have tripled in some cities.

Flat Gut After COVID was written for the millions of previously active people who have sunk into lethargic and listless outlooks during the pandemic lockdown. Even years after the pandemic, obesity and depression remain at an all-time high.

This book will show you proven methods for kick-starting your mindset, motivation, and muscles to regain control of your health, fitness, and mental calm.

Former soldier and United Nations peacekeeper, Sgt. (Ret’d) Doug Setter, BSc. shares his methods of how-to reprogram your mind and body to get stronger and healthier. These are the same methods that the author used during long months of isolation, fatigue and stress. On returning home and after several personal setbacks, he was able to regain his physical and mental health to be able to run full marathons, earn a Bachelor of Science degree and win a kick-boxing championship (at age 40). During the pandemic, the author applied the same principles to help other rebuild themselves physically and mentally.


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